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In light of the events of October 7th in Israel, we have reimagined our travel experiences for students. Our renewed focus emphasizes faith formation, education, humanitarian efforts, and advocacy for our Jewish friends through two trips: Washington D.C. and Israel
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Stay Updated With Us!

In light of the events of October 7th in Israel, we have reimagined our travel experiences for students. Our renewed focus emphasizes faith formation, education, humanitarian efforts, and advocacy for our Jewish friends through two trips: Washington D.C. and Israel
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4 Tips for Faithful Future Leaders

Is God calling you to future leadership? Maybe you feel that God is preparing you to lead in ministry, business, academics, or another area of influence. Especially in uncertain times such as the recent pandemic, doubts and fears can arise that make you wonder if leadership is really for you. Amid any uncertainty that you have in your future leadership abilities, God makes no mistakes in His calling for our lives.

Here are 4 tips to help you as you prepare for future leadership.

Tip #1: Trust in God

Always place your trust in God to help you to lead others. I adhere to the model that I follow God and He shows me how to lead others. I place my trust in His ability to guide me, not solely in my ability to lead others.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” During times of turbulence, such as what we have faced throughout the pandemic, our abilities may waver, yet God’s ability is constant. As we trust and acknowledge Him, He will direct our paths no matter how bumpy they may become.  

Tip #2: Make Time for God

Carve out time for communion with God to pray, meditate, journal, read the Bible, or anything else that brings you closer to Him. This will ensure that you are not simply leading others while your own relationship with God suffers. James 4:8 tells us, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” As we allow time to grow closer to God, He reciprocates our efforts and draws closer to us. This closeness to God helps us become better leaders as we will hear from Him whenever we need encouragement, guidance, or even correction.

Tip #3: Stay Humble

Having humility and a teachable disposition allows for growth as a future leader. A good leader is always learning and never feels that they have arrived at a point of perfection. 1 Peter 5:6 states, “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” God will exalt you in His timing as you remain humble.

Tip #4: Ask for Help

Even the best leaders need help sometimes. There is no shame in requesting assistance when you need it. Ask God to show you the people that are equipped to help you, and the best way to approach them with your needs. Reaching out can be both humbling and liberating. So often, there are people that want to pour wisdom into future leaders. Ask God to show you who those people may be in your own life.

Leadership often presents difficulties, even in the best of times. As a future leader, you can rest assured that you will not face the task of leadership alone. Allow God to lead you, and your leadership is sure to be a blessing to others.

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